Saturday, March 17, 2012

GATTACA- Reflection

Click here to watch the trailer.
Click here to watch the movie.

Reflection on GATTACA

3. Jerome and Vincent are 2 total different people who act as one. All Vincent wants is so succeed, at the end he finally does because he never gave up. His dream is all that maters to him, and does the best he can to succeed and get to his goal. On the other hand, Jerome is known as perfect, but he doesn't believe this. In my opinion they are 2 different total humans.

4. I do not believe that Jerome was mentally ill. I think that he knew that with what he has done with life, it was too late to do anything with it so he would rather give his opportunity to someone else. I think he was tired of everyone telling him that he has done so well and now its time do to something with his talent.

18. I believe that cloning is wrong. Why would you want to clone your self? People are who they are, and if you cant have a child, then adopt one, there are over a 1000 kids waiting for people to adopt them, and more than have of them never get to live with parents. People have to start noticing that life is not always perfect. And every human being is unique, if you where to clone your self then you wouldn't be unique. Is that what you want? I don't think so, there is no use in cloning your self, and what if you where in big trouble, and you cloned your self, it would probably cause more trouble. I'm just saying, make the right choice people, and think before doing something stupid!

How is Cracking the Code of life and GATTACA similar and Different?

Well first off all we know that one is Fiction and the other non-fiction. When watching both of the movies, it was still confusing in some parts of the movie. It made me wonder about Cloning and why people would want to clone themselves or others. The characters in each movie were interesting. I believe that the movie Cracking the code of life explained the basics of DNA while GATTACA went a step further into cloning other people's DNA. In my opinion i enjoyed GATTACA more even if i did not understand parts of the movie i would still recommend this movie more than Cracking the code of life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Monica,
    You had a lot of interesting points. I am not sure that cloning was really the message in GATTACA, but merely using someone else's identity because you were unfit for societal standards.
